2018年10月4日 星期四

The two dancers' sensation!

Just attended a wonderful preview on "Pin-ups/Toulouse-Lautrec and the Art of Celebrity" in Scottish National Gallery.

The Gallery presented us the two glamorous girls. You can imagine... lots of professional photographers working in various presses have tried to capture their sensations. These two dancers - one is Lucy from Glasgow; the other is Mathide from France - are now working in Moulin Rouge. Today they paid a special visit to the gallery, purely for publicity of the new exhibition (starting this coming Saturday, the 6th of October). I have always admired Toulouse-Lautrec's works. Having looked around this exhibition, I shall say: "highly-recommended"!

2018年4月26日 星期四


One of the world's greatest video artists, Bill Viola's two video installations -- Mary and Martyrs .... 

Bill Viola: The Road to St Paul's 
Date & Time: 19:30-21:30, 26 April 2018
Venue: Starr Cinema, Bankside
London SE1 9TG

The person who one loves most has died! No one can imagine the grief that could be more vast and powerful than what the universe emanates, especially if the person who dies is a great man.  

Some while ago, I met a guy. We went to a gallery together. He told me he preferred mythological paintings and had no feeling for religious paintings. We talked about Jesus and his life. 

Different from him, I always find the Bible stories fascinating. They are not just simple religious implications. Instead, they are about great human stories. Jesus is the figure symbolising every great man who is so above-ordinary and so intelligent has been misunderstood, punished, betrayed, or suffered greatly. His suffering and his inevitable death has led to his mother's indescribable pain and everlasting melancholy.

Michelangelo's 1498-99 Pietà

These greatest religious works of art are much closer to human life than you anticipate. Here, I would like to mention Michelangelo's 1498-99 Pietà. This particular piece has offered me an emotional, spiritual comfort, beyond any description, when I have gone through a heavy grief for my darling husband who died last year. In this sculpture, Mary, Jesus's mother, looks so young. You may think she is weak. But No! Look at her! Her body is strong and her legs are wide-open. She holds her dead son's heavy body with her right hand and support it with very muscular legs. Of course, these features are metaphorical. Her skirt carries out the best sculptural drapery, seemingly narrating the most difficult emotions that human beings could experience. I shall say that this image has brought me the greatest emotional impact than any other works of art!

2018年3月31日 星期六


巴托洛梅·埃斯特萬·牟利羅Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
〈窗前兩位女人〉(“Two Women at a Window”)
油彩  畫布
125.1 × 104.5 公分
華盛頓    國立藝術美術館
(National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC)

巴托洛梅·埃斯特萬·牟利羅(Bartolomé Esteban Murillo)是西班牙的

展場中掛示了一幅動人的〈窗前的兩位女人〉(Two Women at a 
說是...... 一種情,兩種模樣

2018年3月28日 星期三

達利的 “耶穌”

達利的 “耶穌” 是蘇格蘭人最愛的一張畫, 隨著復活節即將來臨, 我在明天(三月28日) 在愛丁堡將有一場演講....

講者:Natalia S Y Fang Brand, Ph.D.
講題:Dali's 'Le Christ'
地點:St Peter's, Lutton Place, Edinburgh
時間:7:30-9:00pm, 28th of March

2018年2月2日 星期五


昨天我去看了一部法國的電影叫 "A Woman's Life" (一個女人的生命) ......



我只能給這部電影兩星 (★★) 

2018年1月26日 星期五


今天在家辦了一場彭斯之夜(Burns Night)聚餐,我做了傳統的餐點,喝點威斯忌酒,一旁有火爐,暖暖熱呼呼的,也一同念一些喜歡的詩...
