2014年3月25日 星期二


Alfred the Great's words:   

“What I set out to do was virtuously and justly to administer the authority given to me, and to do it with wisdom, for without wisdom nothing is worthwhile. It has always been my desire to live honourably, and to leave my descendants my memory in good works. For each man according to the measure of his intelligence must speak what he can speak and do what he can do” 

– King Alfred the Great

讀了阿爾弗雷德大王 (849-899)的事蹟, 再讀到這段他說過的話, 我相當感動, 他不但成功地抵抗海盜維京人的侵略, 讓許多英格蘭領土回歸盎格魯-撒克遜人的統治, 也道, 他還擁有了不凡的特質, 以道德, 良善, 正義來管理, 以智慧行事, 以誠實過日子, 留下好功績, 讓後人懷念, 也認為每個人要根據智力的高低, 盡量去說, 去做, 去發揮

這些優良的特質, 已在現今的政治人物身上找不到了

